The Latent Cause Analysis™
Go Page
You will not have time to gather essential items after receiving a call to lead a Latent Cause Analysis™. Although you might have been trained in Latent Cause Analysis™, or even have led them in the past, you will need to fall back on a defined process, and use predetermined tools. If you do not, your organization will be inconsistent in its approach to investigating its problems because different people will investigate in different ways, use varying vocabulary, and dig to different depths. Inconsistency is a death-knoll of any investigative effort.
How the Go Page Started
This Go Page was developed for Failsafe Network's Licensed Affiliates. They requested guidance from Failsafe to help them abide by the contract they had signed which stipulated that they follow Failsafe Network's methods. Once this Go Page had been developed, they suggested that it be made available to everyone who's been trained. Many highly successful investigative agencies use the Latent Cause Analysis Go Page Principles to assure their readiness to respond in a rapid manner.
Accessing Our Materials
Our training materials are being made available to help you be consistent in your efforts performing Latent Cause Analysis™. Many resources are available to anyone, but some resources are for Advocates of the LCA process only. Anyone that has completed LCA training may sign up as an Advocate for access to all resources.
You can access them through the links in the sidebar. In general the resources are presented in the order in which you will probably need them. The Recommended Practice is a comprehensive reference that encapsulates all of these items.
Free Advocate Registration
If you have attended a Latent Cause Analysis™ training and would like FREE ACCESS to ALL of the materials and products below, please submit your name and email address HERE for access.
Go Page Materials
(Links in gold are for Advocates Only)