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The Latent Cause Analysis

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Golden Rule of a Latent Cause Analysis

The Golden Rule of a Latent Cause Analysis


There is one "rule" that supersedes all other rules of a Latent Cause Analysis. If followed, this rule will negate any tendencies to merely blame, punish, and otherwise lash-out as a result of an incident.


The Golden Rule of a Latent Cause Analysis is based on THE Golden Rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."


It is strongly suggested that this be enlarged and posted on the wall of the stakeholder meeting, referring to it as often as necessary when things get off track.


The Golden Rule


You must try to understand to such an extent that you are convinced you would have done the same thing if you were that person.  We will apply this rule when evaluating all Human Causes at all levels of an organization.

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