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Latent Cause Analysis™ as revealed by The Latent Cause Experience™

The Latent Cause Experience™ is an on-site, 4-day seminar taught in the USA, Canada, Venezuela, Spain, England, Scotland, Ireland, the Netherlands, Malaysia, Australia, and Indonesia.

It has evolved from an accumulation of learnings and experiences of C. Robert (Bob) Nelms, who started in the "Root Cause Analysis" business by forming Failsafe Network, Inc. in 1985. It is a journey that takes people through the genesis of things that go wrong -- ending with ourselves.

Nearly 10,000 people have gone through this experience since 1985, with ratings averaging 4.8 (scale of 5.0). Virtually everyone who has gone through this experience has said that "nothing compares to it." It is classified as Root Cause Analysis training, but it is so much more.

Its messages include the need for a shift:

  • From everyone looking outward, to everyone looking inward.
  • From "It's your fault," to "It's partially my fault!"
  • From upper levels blaming lower levels, to upper levels seeing themselves as part of the problem.
  • From lower levels blaming upper levels, to lower levels seeing themselves as part of the problem.
  • From "small problems are not important," to "unresolved small problems will cause larger problems."
  • From highly trained, elitist leaders, to everyone does it.
  • From sophisticated, often software-based investigative methods, to simple, yet probing investigative methods.
  • From an occasionally used tool to, a new attitude towards things that to wrong.
  • From a focus on equipment and system-type causes, to a determined effort to help people see themselves as causes.
  • From "RCA teams define causes and recommended actions," to "the people that were involved define causes and agree on their own actions."

CLICK HERE to schedule a LIVE "Latent Cause Experience™," or explore our online options below.

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