The Latent Cause Analysis VLOG Series
a 12 month subscription
VLOG #18
Note: sound in actual product is MUCH better than in these samples
The Latent Cause Analysis™️ VLOG Series
Video Blogs (VLOG) recorded C. (Bob) Robert Nelms covers the high-level elements of Latent Cause Analysis™️ in a series of 27 Video Blogs, each one averaging 7 minutes in duration.
This series may be used:
as a weekly or monthly basis for safety meetings
as a means of augmenting the skills of their investigative teams
to help establish an investigative culture that EXPECTS a deeper probe into their problems.
Two of our actual VLOGS are included as examples, but please consider the other titles available below!
This is an online training product. Additional VLOG's will be added thorughout the year and you will be notified of new content. When you purchase this product, you will be given access instructions to view these videos for 12 months.
VLOG Contents
VLOG 1: Root Cause Analysis for Culture Change
VLOG 2: The Tragedy of 911
VLOG 3: The Need to SLOW DOWN
VLOG 4: The Lessons of the Dominos
VLOG 5: Focus On The Way You Are Instead of Blaming the Past
VLOG 6: Are You On A Merry-Go-Round?
VLOG 7: What is Latent Cause Analysis?
VLOG 8: Blame is the Enemy
VLOG 9: The LCA Model
VLOG 10: The Challenger Explosion -- Some Thoughts
VLOG 11: Why Investigate Incidents?
VLOG 12: We ALL Need to Learn Something About Ourselves Through SMALL Problems
VLOG 13: Categorize Your Problems
VLOG 14: Establish LCA Advocates
VLOG 15: Initial Duties of the LCA Advocate
VLOG 16: What Is Going Oh Here!
VLOG 17: Stand There And Absorb Evidence
VLOG 18: What Is Evidence?
VLOG 19: What is Evidence - Part 2?
VLOG 20: The 5 Items
VLOG 21: List Evidence To Gather
VLOG 22: Gather Evidence
VLOG 23: Define the Physics
VLOG 24: Who Did What Wrong?
VLOG 25: Understand What Triggered the Behavior
VLOG 26: Actual Versus Desired Thoughts
VLOG 27: Final Questions